State Assessment Data Files

Note: The SFTP server has been phased out and replaced with the File Management app during the 23-24 academic year.

State Assessments (CAASPP, Summative ELPAC, Initial ELPAC)

We have dashboards for CAASPP (SBAC, CAST & CAA), Initial ELPAC, Summative ELPAC.  We have visualizations (dashboards, graphs, charts, and tables) for overall subject-area content as well as demographic. Districts' TOMS administrators should be able to download student assessment files for three years (current year plus the past two academic years). Importing multiple years of data will allow for year-over-year comparisons in DataZone dashboards.

Role Permissions in TOMS

The role of LEA CAASPP Coordinator and LEA ELPAC Coordinator is needed in TOMS to access and download the student score data files for automated processing to DataZone Analytics.

LEA role needed in TOMS to access & download student score data files

State File Format Requirements





(includes assessment data for SBA, CAA, CAST)

  1. These state assessment files are available in TOMS for download as a ZIP folder. There are three file types in the ZIP folder.

  2. Extract the zip file and upload only the csv file format into the File Management app for automated processing into the Analytics dashboards.

DO NOT make any changes to the files.

Initial ELPAC and Summative ELPAC

Instructions for getting Files


File Name: CAASPP Student Score Data File

You must have access to LEA Reports in order to download the appropriate file from Test Operations Management System (TOMS).

Note: Report Type - Download both the “Enrolled” and “Tested” data files and upload them to DataZone Analytics via the File Management app.

Steps to download CAASPP data files from TOMS

Summative ELPAC

File Name: Summative ELPAC and Summative Alternative ELPAC Student Score Data File

Note: Report Type - Download both the “Enrolled” and “Tested” data files and upload them to DataZone Analytics via the File Management app.

Initial ELPAC

File Name: Initial ELAPC and Initial Alternate ELPAC Student Score Data File

Note: Report Type - Download both “Enrolled” and “Tested” data files and upload them to DataZone via File Management app.

Process for Submitting Files

  1. District pulls State Assessment data files directly from the vendor (TOMS)

  2. District uploads the requested csv file format via the File Management app.

    1. If you are DataZone District Lead and do not see the File Management app, please submit a ticket through our Help Desk website.

    2. You can refer back to the Help Ticket number and email if you have additional questions or follow-up about the loading and availability of the data.

*Note: In cases where the data file is incomplete, a DataZone data specialist will let you know and work with you to obtain and upload the necessary information.