Service Link Variable Definitions


Definitions & Details

(Student) Name

Student Name, per the District's Student Information System or SIS (not reported in File export) (preloaded variable)

Student ID

Student ID in the App is the ID assigned to the district in the SIS. The Student ID appears next to the student's name in the App.

Student ID in the Export file will be a randomly generated ID assigned to the student. (preloaded variable)

DOB (Date of Birth )

Student's birthdate as provided to the District (preloaded variable)


A student's age at the date on which the referral was entered into the SL App. The Age appears next to a student's birthdate. (preloaded variable)

Sexual Orientation

The student's self-reported sexual orientation. Options includes: 

  • N/A Under 12

  • Bisexual, Gay or Lesbian

  • Heterosexual or Straight

  • Queer

  • Questioning or Unsure of Sexual Orientation

  • Another Sexual Orientation

  • Decline to Answer

  • Unknown

Health Insurance Type

The general status of a student's health insurance. Options include: Private/Commercial, Public , Uninsured, Unknown

Child Protective Services (CPS) Involved

Indicates if the student is involved with CPS. Options include: Yes, No, Unknown

School (Name)

School Name as entered into the District's SIS (preloaded variable)

Home Language (Primary Parent Language)

The primary language spoken at home by parents. This is called Parent Primary Language in the export. (preloaded variable)


Individualized Education Program (IEP) identifies if the student has received support for a documented disability. This data is pulled from the District's SIS. This is shown as Yes if the student has an IEP, and No if the student does not have an IEP. (preloaded variable)


This field indicates if a student has been flagged as being Homeless in the District SIS. (preloaded variable)

Attendance % (Att % at Referral)

The student's average attendance rate on the date the referral was initiated. This is automatically calculated based on the student data warehouse and the district SIS. This field is called Att % at Referral in the file export.  (preloaded variable)


Extensive list of Organizations to which a Coordinator may refer students. If an organization is not listed, a new one may be added by clicking on Add a New Organization. Before you do this, however, please double check that the organization is not already listed. School districts should be abbreviated, school names should NOT be abbreviated, and External organization and agency names should NOT be abbreviated.


(Select one)

Service or assistance provided to the student by the organization. Your selection should describe the type of service the referring organization is providing to this case. 


Relates to educational and learning support for students and families, including individual or group tutoring and homework supports.

Access to Technology

Student needs technology for educational purposes.

Behavioral/Mental Health

Includes crisis, early intervention, and ongoing mental health care and substance abuse treatment services.


The care of children by day-care center or provider while caregiver is occupied.


Items for infants.

Domestic Violence

Violence or other abuse in a domestic setting, such as in marriage or cohabitation.

Family Engagement Activity

Activities that support the social-emotional enrichment of students and families. 

Family Support

Helps families meet their basic material needs, and includes services that provide case management and low-cost child or adult care.


Support with information or resources related to income assistance programs.


Support with food resources or services, such as at the Second Harvest Food Bank.


Items for infants.

Health Care Service

Relates to connection with medical or health care services, clinics, screening facilities, medical professionals or specialists.

Health Insurance/Benefits

Related to connection with medical or health care services, clinics, screening, facilities, medical professionals or specialists.


Relates to connection with shelters or affordable housing for families who are experiencing housing instability or homelessness. May also include being registered or getting on a waitlist for housing.


Support with immigration information, education, or resources, such as at the Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN).

Income Assistance

Support with information or resources related to income assistance programs.

K-12 Education Needs

Materials and resources required for education.

Kid Activities

Activities that children can perform.


Any additional services activity that is supported by an organization/agency connected to the welfare of the student or family.

Student Pro-Social/Community

Supports individual strengths and protective factors, reduces risk factors, provides peer support, and/or supports overall community well-being.

Teen Parenting

Adolescent parenting primarily to women and men nineteen years or younger who give birth to and elect to parent a child.


Articles used in washing and taking care of one's body, such as soap, shampoo, and toothpaste.


Support with information or resources related to transportation to and from school and work


Only for Academic or Behavioral/Mental Health services. There are 3 Tiers of support in these areas:

Tier 1

Events, activities, or resources available to all students. Universal, or school-wide resources, that provide basic support to all students.

Tier 2

Events, activities, or resources intended for at-risk students in need of additional support beyond the basic resources available to all students in tier 1. These resources generally include group work or other small group strategies. At-risk: moderate needs in which problem interferes with functioning and requires action or intervention to ensure need is addressed. Tier 2 should be referred to PEI behavioral health if available.

Tier 3

Events, activities, or resources intended for high-risk students in need of additional support beyond the group work available to students in tier 2. These resources generally include one-on-one work or other individualized interventions. High-risk: severe needs in which problem is dangerous or disabling and requires immediate and/or intensive action. Tier 3 should be referred to SLS behavioral health if available.


Program refers to the various programs based on level of care from least intensive to intensive programs.  (Link to CYF Continuum of Care)

Crisis Support Services

Mobile Response and Stabilization Services attending to students who are in acute psychological crisis. 

Intensive Wraparound

Intensive Wraparound and other intensive programs provide stabilization and support for high-risk children and their families and provide them with clinical treatment, services and/or resources they need. 

Other School-Based Behavioral Health Service

Other school-based programs not under BHSD School Linked Services programs such as SEAS, UE, PEI, SLS BH)


Clients with emotional and behavioral issues that are impeding their lives.

PEI Behavioral Health

PEI provides prevention and early intervention services to children and their families, with the goal of preventing mental illness and addressing mental health disorders at the earliest possible stages. 

Prevention and Early Intervention

Any workshop or service that is universal prevention or early intervention. Eligible to those with public or private insurance. 

Differentiate by time, topic, intensity or funding, screening for eligibility.


An integrated program of specialized and intensive care and supervision, services and supports, treatment, and short-term 24-hour care and supervision to children. 

SLS Behavioral Health

Long-term support services with an eight-month average length of stay. The therapy-focused program is designed to support youth and families experiencing more significant levels of distress. Clinicians provide various levels of therapeutic supports. Access to a psychiatrist or medication support is provided if needed. Only Medi-Cal eligible.

Substance Use

Services specializes in working with youth, young adults, and families that are struggling with substance use and mental health challenges.

Date Initiated

Date that the teacher or school administrator identified the service needed (i.e., the date recorded on the referral form provided to the coordinator). Option is a Calendar selection date.

Date Referred

Date that the coordinator connects with the family to make the referral to an identified provider. Could be over the phone, in-person or email.

Referred By

Referred by is the type of person who referred the student to the SLS coordinator - such as a principal, school administrator, screening initiative, SLS coordinator, teacher, counselor, parent, another student or peer, self. This box should not include a person’s name.


Status refers to the most current status of the referral. Statuses are grouped into two categories: Active and Inactive.

  • Active referrals are referrals that are currently in process, where the coordinator is actively working to secure services for a student.

  • Inactive referrals are referrals that are no longer being worked on by a coordinator. It is important to "close" a referral once the coordinator receives confirmation that the referral has become inactive based on the reasons available in the dropdown.

*When selecting an Inactive status, you will be prompted to provide a Close Date

Active Status selections include:

Currently Receiving Consultation or Home Visits

Active referral that is pending collateral information (Pending  - requiring any type of additional information from any party that is needed for the referral to move forward)

Pending - other

Services or resources are pending until the provider can be reached to initiate the referral, the family is reached, parental permission forms are signed, intake is completed, other paperwork is filled out, etc.

Pending - waitlisted

The referral organization lacks capacity to serve the student or family at this time. Services or resources are pending until space becomes available.

Referred to services

Coordinators created an initial appointment to the service or informed family of resources.

Inactive Status selections include:

Note: For referrals where the SLS Coordinator is unable to contact the family to follow-up on the status, the SLS Coordinators should make three attempts to contact the family before closing the referral. The SLS Coordinator should also attempt to contact the family at different times of the day and different days of the week.

Linked to services

Coordinators confirmed that the student or family received services or resources at least once.

The Close Date is the day that the student or family first received services.

Caregiver Declined

Parent was offered services and voluntarily declined engagement with services. 

The Close date is the day the caregiver declined services.

Moved Out of School District

Student is no longer enrolled in school district.

The Close Date is the day when the student moved out of the school district. Consider referencing the date available in your district Student Information System.


Supplemental reason for student to be denied or decline services engagement. For example, private insurance support or organization is at capacity and unable to in-take student.

The Close Date is the day when the SLS Coordinator was informed.

Student Declined

Student was offered services and voluntarily declined engagement.

The Close Date is the day when the student declined services.

Unable to Contact Family

No communication has been established with the family to provide services. The coordinator has made multiple attempts to reach the family without success and is not able to make an initial appointment for services or resources.

The Close Date is the day of the third unsuccessful attempt to contact the family. A SLS Coordinator should make three attempts to contact the family before closing the referral. Three attempts to contact the family should be done at different times of the day and different days of the week.

Unable to link to services

The referral organization has made multiple attempts to reach the family without success, after the Coordinator has already contacted the family and created an initial appointment or referred them to available resources.

The Close Date is the day the referral organization closed the referral due to being unable to reach the family.

Close Date

Close date is the date on which the referral is closed. This option will only appear when an Inactive Status is selected in the App. Please ensure the Close Date falls after the Date Referred

Reason for Referral & Referral Details

These are the reasons the student was referred. Referral reasons and their details are listed.


Issue with the youth’s grades or level of academic achievement.

No Evidence

Mild: Generally defined as less severe symptoms.  

Moderate:  symptoms are present and project some level of impairment in functionality  

Severe: symptoms impair student’s level of functionality causing distress.  


Issue with attendance of the youth in school.

Behavioral Emotional Well-being

Student presents with social, emotional, and behavioral needs that may interfere with functioning at school, at home, or in the community.

Anxiety: Disorder that shares fear of excessive fear and anxiety related causing behavioral impairments. 

Anger Control: Intermittent explosive disorder characterized by impulsive and aggressive outbursts.

Conduct: Disorder characterized by aggression, theft, vandalism and violations of rules and 

Depression: disorder associated with loss of interest, fatigue/loss of energy, changes in weight and appetite 

Impulsivity/Hyperactivity: failure to control aggressive impulses manifested in verbal or physical aggression toward people, property and animals.

Oppositional: A pattern of hostile and defiant behavior associated with loss of temper, often argues with authority figures, defies rules set by authority figures


Youth is in trouble or puts them in danger of harming themselves or others; includes suicide risk, self mutilation, and other self harm.

Self-Harm Behavior: deliberate behaviors causing self-injury 

Suicide Risk: Thought about self-harm with deliberate consideration or planning of possible techniques of causing one’s own death.

Violent Towards Other:  physical  violence towards others.



Housing instability of the caregiver.

Parent System Navigation

Caregivers try to identify and access appropriate services for their child.

School Behavior

Issue with behavior of the youth in school or school-like setting.

No Evidence

Mild: behaviors are present and cause little impairment in student’s functionality

Moderate: behaviors occur on regular basis and cause an impact in student’s functionality 

Severe: behaviors occur on regular basis and cause a significant impact in the student’s functionality 


Student experienced traumatic/adverse event that impacted their behavior such as abuse, medical trauma, natural/manmade disaster, witness or victim of family violence, community/school violence, criminal activity, and disruption in caregiving or attachment losses. 


Disruptions in Caregiving/Attachment Losses:  student has experienced significant loss associated with their caregiver and significant adult relationships

Emotional Abuse: the intentional infliction of anguish, distress or intimidation through verbal or non-verbal acts of personal rights.

Medical Trauma: set of psychological and physiological responses of children to pain, injury or serious illness. 

Natural or Manmade Disaster: trauma caused by distress originated after experiencing effects of natural disaster. 

Neglect: failure to care for basic needs both emotional and physical by provider/caregiver

Parental Criminal Behavior: caregiver/provider involvement with behavior considered to be illegal or illicit 

Physical Abuse: any nonaccidental, physical injury to the child

Sexual Abuse: direct sexual contact by an older person against a child with intent to gratify their own sexual desires. 

Victim/Witness to Criminal Activity: having any personal account to an illegal activity as victim or witness

War/Terrorism Affected: Experiencing acts of war by the child or terrorism.

Witness to Community/School Violence: personally experiencing abrupt acts of violence in a school or community setting 

Witness to Family Violence: personal experience of witnessing family violence within a family unit.

Other (Please Specify):

Coordinator Service

Identify the type of services that were provided by the SLS Coordinator. This may include:

Referral/Linkage: This item is used to describe coordination of services and resources.

Home Visitation: This item is used to describe SLS coordinator interaction with family at a student's home.

Please select the “Linked to Services” status once the home visitation is completed. The Close Date is the last day the SLS Coordinator interacted with the family at the student’s home. 

Parent Consultation: This item is used to describe SLS coordinator interaction with parent that does not result in a referral but still requires a considerable amount of time.

Please select the “Linked to Services” status once the parent consultation is completed. The Close Date is the last day the parent received consultation services.

Student Consultation: This item is used to describe SLS coordinator interaction with student that does not result in a referral but still requires a considerable amount of time.

Please select the “Linked to Services” status once the student consultation is completed. The Close Date is the last day the student received consultation services.


The Notes section is available as an open text box where the SLS Coordinator can record any additional information important for case management.

Variables only available in exported report

Student ID (Student Referral ID)

Randomly generated Student ID by Service Link application. This ID can be used by the coordinator to Search for a student in Service Link application.


Defined field per district Student Information System


Defined field per district Student Information System


Defined field per district Student Information System


Age, calculated based on student birthdate available from district SIS


Defined field per district Student Information System - Yes/No indicates if the student has an IEP.

Parent Primary Language

Defined field per district Student Information System

Age on Date Initiated

The student's age as of the date on which the referral of initiated (entered into the application).

Att % at Referral

The student's average attendance rate on the date the referral was initiated. This is automatically calculated based on the student data warehouse and the district SIS. This field is called Att % at Referral in the file export. (preloaded variable)

Att % at Export

The student's average attendance rate on the date the Service Link Report is generated. This will only appear in the Export file.


The name of the SLS Coordinator who created/entered the referral in the application.


The language(s) that the event was offered in. This can be multiple selections. Options include:








Event Type

The reach of the event.

District wide: The event was offered to a district wide audience

School wide: The event was offered to a school wide audience.

Specific group: The event was only offered to a specific group.


This is the primary/secondary focus or reason for the event or series.

Skillbuilding: Developing a new skill or enhancing an existing skill.

Psychoeducation: Providing information and support to better understand a specific topic or issue.

Resource Information / Distribution: Sharing of information regarding a specific topic and/or distributing resources.

Academic Support: Enhancing academic services and supports.

Wellness: Activities that improve the emotional, social, or physical well-being of the audience.


The setting where the series took place.

Online: The series was only offered online.

Hybrid: The series was offered online and in person.

School: The series was only offered in person on school campus.

District Office: The series was only offered in person at a district office.

Community: The series was only offered in person at a community space.


Description of the audience that attend the event. This can be multiple selections.

Family: The parent/caregiver and the student attended.

Parent/Caregiver: The parent/caregiver attended the event without the student.

Student: The student attended the event without their parent/caregiver.

Faculty/School Administration: The school faculty or school administration attended the event.

Community: Community members attended the event.

Cultural Adaptations

If the series had cultural adaptations based on the audience/topic. Options include:




Age or Grade Group

