Family engagement activities may be a one-time event or meeting with students and their families OR it may be a series of meetings with students and their families. There are two types of Family Engagement “Events” that an SLS coordinator may create:
One-time Event
Series (e.g., a workshop or collection of meetings where content and instruction increases or builds with each subsequent meeting)
When tracking an event or series, the SLS coordinator will go to the Family Engagement section. From here a the coordinator can View the events that have been recorded or Add a new event/series.
Add allows the user to create a new event, assign students to the event, etc. See below for details on how to complete the New Event Form.
Name (required field): Type in the name of the event. Please be sure to use standard Event and Series names and capitalization.
Event Type: Select the event type from the drop down menu, pictured to the below. insert screenshot. This is the reach of the event.
Location: The location should be included as the school name/audience. For example, if the audience is middle school students and their families at Monroe Middle School, you would type Monroe Middle School. Note: In the file export, this field is called School.
Primary/Secondary Purpose: The main or secondary focus or reason for the series.
Setting: The setting where the event took place.
Audience: Description of the audience that attend the event. This can be multiple selections.
Language: The language(s) that the event was offered in. This can be multiple selections.
Begin Date: (required field): For one time events, this is the date on which the event was held. For a series, this is the date of the first meeting in the series.
How many people attended this event?: Type the number of people at the first meeting/event in the series. You can go back and edit this number at another time as well. This can be an estimate of the event/series participation.
This is a Series: (optional) Select this when the engagement activities include a series of meetings that have cumulative content, (e.g. information that builds across the meetings).
When you select “This is a series”, you will be prompted to add an End Date. This should the date of the last event/meeting.
Cultural Adaptations/ Topics: If the series had cultural adaptations based on the audience/topic.